Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Poor Ryan!

Last week my brother managed to break his leg during a softball game. Ouch! Apparently he was sliding into third base when he heard a pop. I asked him if it was worth it and he said no because they called him out. Initially he thought he had just sprained it, but after further x-rays they determined he had broke it just above the ankle. Because of the placement they have decided to do surgery on him. If they didn’t and just casted it, he would more than likely have problems with it for the rest of his life. For the last week he has been gimping around with his leg all wrapped up and a pair of crutches. So today is the moment of truth for his surgery. With a couple of screws later and a cast he should be ready to go for the next 6 weeks. He is a diesel mechanic for Pepsi so this means he will have to be on temporary disability. Poor Ryan!

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