Thursday, July 31, 2008

Childbirth Preparation

It is official….I have signed Andy and I up for a Saturday Childbirth Preparation Class at our hospital, Capital Region. It was either dedicate one Saturday or 3 Wednesday evenings. So I figured we would just get it over with in one day. Andy is not too keen on the idea of going….well he doesn’t exactly have a choice. I may be the one carrying this baby but I need all of his support come delivery.

These classes aren’t like they use to be, meaning there are no Lamaze or breathing lessons. It is more informational on what to expect. They will give us a tour, tell us when we should come to the hospital, where to go when we arrive, what we need to bring, what to expect during labor, types of deliveries, recovery expectations, infant care/checkups and much, much more.

I like to plan ahead. So when it comes to going into labor, I want to be comfortable with where I need to go and what their procedures are. I feel like I have read a lot of books and articles and watched hundreds of the Baby Story episodes to prepare me for what to expect (except for the pain aspect), so I really want to go to this class so Andy is up to speed. Andy does not handle situations well in unfamiliar territory. Maybe if he has an idea of what to expect and can focus on being more supportive, he is less likely to be short tempered and pissy because he is scared and nervous.

The moment of truth will be here before we know it, and our lives will be more fulfilled than ever.

The one thing I anticipate to expect is the overwhelming love, joy, tears and excitement this little boy will bring to our lives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are right about the overwhelming love, tears and excitement. I remember driving home from work one day, when I was pregnant with Ashton, just bawling b/c I could just picture in my mind how happy I was going to be when I finially got to meet the most precious thing in the world... the love that I would feel. And guess what! The feeling I felt the first time I saw him (and Dani and Morgan) did not even come close to the actual love I felt the moment I saw them for the first time. Being a parent is the best feeling in the world!