Thursday, July 17, 2008

Reba Video!

Reba McEntire has a new music video out. It is called Every Other Weekend. She sings it with Kenny Chesney. The song is about a divorced couple that meets every other weekend to swap their children back and forth. And both of them still miss each other, but don't have the nerve to tell the other one that they want them back. It is a really good song.

But the part I wanted to tell you about was who the actors were that played the divorced couple. IT IS VAN & CHEYENNE OFF OF THE REBA SHOW!
This video is excellent, but using them as the couple makes it a link to the Reba Show. Meaning, we had left the series finale of the Reba Show with Van & Cheyenne as a happily married couple expecting their second child. Now years later this video comes out and depicts them as a divorced couple. It is so sad, that I literally cry every time I watch it. I love them two as a couple and it may just be a show, but when you watch it for 6 seasons they begin to grow on you like family.
For those outsiders who have never watched the Reba Show, probably think this sounds really ignorant. Too bad for you because you are really missing out by not watching this show, it is so funny!
Here is a link to Reba's Video!

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