Wednesday, February 25, 2009


After arriving to work this morning I was informed that I was to be on the radio within the hour. WHAT! Me and another agent were sent to a local radio station to promote the insurance portion of the bank. I was so nervous! Maybe if I had more time to prepare I would have been OK, but it was sprung on me at the last minute. Anyway, it all went fine but it was the longest 20 minutes ever!

Today is Ash Wednesday! Meaning Lent has begun for us Catholics. I have decided to give up soda and sweets for the long 6 weeks! I figured this would really help me with my diet! This could be interesting. Andy has decided to give up soda as well! So that makes it better that he is not chugging down on a soda as I sit back and drool! Also with Lent comes with fish on Fridays! This means for a lot of fish fries in the weeks to come. You know I never really crave meat, but somehow when I am told not to eat meat on a certain day, then that is all I can think of! I’m sure I am not the only one.

Hunter and I are going to attempt to go to Mass tonight. But if he is anything like he was last night, it is not going happen. I don’t know what his problem was, but he fussed and cried nearly all evening until he finally gave it up and slept for the night! I was really missing Andy last night during all the madness!

That is all I have for now! Have a good one!

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