Thursday, April 3, 2008

Mistaken Identity!

Nearly two years ago a tragic vehicle accident occurred that killed 5 people instantly. The Cerek family got the dreaded phone call that their daughter Whitney was killed on impact, while the Van Ryn family got the call that their daughter Laura was still alive but in critical condition. It wasn't until 5 weeks after the accident that the Van Ryn's began to question if the girl in the hospital bed was indeed their daughter. After receiving dental records, it was proved that the girl that the Cerek's had buried 5 weeks earlier was not their daughter Whitney, it was Laura Van Ryn who was thought to be recovering in a local hospital. Whitney Cerek was the girl alive! What great news for the Cerek's, but how devastating for the Van Ryn's who never left the girl who they thought was their daughter's side in the hospital and that their real daughter had already been buried by another family.

Some of you may have already heard about this story, but just now the families are coming out to speak about what had happened. I am completely intrigued by this story. Both families were on the Oprah show yesterday telling their story. I was a sobbing mess throughout the whole episode. Both families have joined together and wrote a book about what had happened. The book is called Mistaken Identity. This will defiantly be my next purchase.
If you would like to read about the story, here is a link to the story on Oprah's website!

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