Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Big Brother!

This is one of my all-time favorite reality TV shows. It requires a lot of dedication because it is on 3 days a week. But when you are a huge fan you begin to evolve your life around not missing an episode. This past season was the first that was aired during the winter months. Usually it is a summer show, but I am assuming because of the writers’ strike that they threw an additional season in the works. Fine by me, because I am usually counting down the months/weeks before the new season begins.

This past Sunday was the finale, and I walked away so disappointed that the guy I had been rooting for since day one (Ryan-right) was defeated by this Shrek looking idiot (Adam-left)! The last seven people voted out of the house are the ones who make the decision who of the finial two are deserving of the half a million dollars. The votes were 6 for Adam and 1 for Ryan! I was mad! I can’t wait for all of those jury members to go and watch all the episodes. Then they will see what I saw…which was that Ryan was the good guy and Adam was the worthless one that relied on everyone else to do the dirty work.

This season was full of so much drama! I am so glad all of those jury members were where they were and not seated in the final two, because I couldn’t stand any of them. I can’t wait until July, because that is when the next season of Big Brother is scheduled to begin!

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