Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Andy and I recently joined the world of the iphone. I never felt the need to have one, but once I realized our cell phone contract was up for renewal and we could upgrade our phones to an iphone, I figured why not! Andy has been wanting one for awhile because a family friend showed Andy a fishing game that he had on his iphone and ever since Andy has had to have one!

So we just got our phones in on Thursday, and ever since has been a learning experience. I am pretty computer/phone savvy, but it is taking me awhile to learn the iphone. I never realized there were millions of apps you can get. We've downloaded a few. Of course Andy wanted Hunting and Fishing Games. I on the other hand downloaded things such as: calorie counters, shopping list, kindle, and fun stuff for Hunter. 

It is slowly growing on me. I am not playing with it as much as I thought. Andy on the other hand has discovered the world of Angry Birds and can't hardly put the phone down. This has been his stance that last few evenings!!! 

Can anyone out there recommend some good apps?


Dana said...

Here are some of my favorites:

Spark Recipes
What to expect and ipregnancy (if you have another baby)
Red Laser
For Fitness/Health:
Eat this Not That
and the one I use everyday:
Nutrition Menu!

Update us if you find ones you love!!! By the way - I think all of the ones I listed are free! : )

Anonymous said...

For shopping, Target and Amazon
Jacquelyn likes Toddler Teasers
Unblock Me

On another note, I saw on a blog somewhere Angry Birds cake pops!