Thursday, April 14, 2011

Craft/Scrapbooking Room!

One of the things I am most excited about building up is having a room to myself!!! I have completely neglected my desire to make and create stuff because I have no where to do it. When I do decide to do something, it gets spread out all over the kitchen table. Which requires me to get all of the stuff out, then it takes of the table for the duration of the time it takes me to complete the project and then I have to pack it all back up in my plastic containers. But, by having my own room I can have all of my stuff readily available, and then I can just close the door when I am not working on something and I will get my kitchen table back!So I have been googling ideas for how I want my craft room to look. Here are a few of my favorites.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Where can I find the link to the bottom craft space, I would love to see how the rest of that room is organized! Thanks!