Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Back to the Doc!

Well once again we had to take Hunter back to the doctor. For over three weeks now he has continued to have a really deep cough and occasionally he will even wheeze. So finally after the babysitter voiced her concern I called the doctor’s office to see what they thought. They decided that wanted to see him again. So yesterday Andy, Hunter and I headed back up to the doctor. Well this time of coarse he wasn’t coughing nor wheezing when she checked him out. This may have been because we gave him a breathing treatment before we headed there. Anyway, she decided to add a liquid steroid to his breathing treatments. So we’ll see what that does. Knock on wood, but he hasn’t coughed as much since. We are to call her again on Monday and give her an update on his status and decide where to go from there. Geeze…this is never going to end!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Hi! I got my camera from amazon. It was the best price I could find and they have free shipping. Hope this helps. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. Hunter is very close in age to my Aubrey! He is such a cutie! I hope that he is feeling better soon. It is awful to have a sick baby!