Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve at our house was pretty low key.

Here is Hunter fresh up from a nap to help me make cookies for Santa. We were lazy and baked these pre-made cookies with Mikey as Santa on them.

As you can tell he wasn't quite awake enough to get into the spirit.

That is a weak "cheese" face. 

That evening we attended Christmas Eve mass in Argyle. Both the boys did fantastic. Of course, Weston was happy as long as we kept letting him have his snack puffs. He would probably eat a whole can at once if we let him. But if you have read the nutritional facts, there is only 25 calories for 78 snacks. I need to start taking them to work to nibble on :)

When we returned from church, each of the boys had a gift under the tree.


How handsome are they?

Christmas PJ's. Family tradition on Christmas Eve. 

Can't you just sense Hunter's excitement?!?

Yay, for PJ's!

Here are a couple shots with their new PJ's on getting ready for bed.

Once the boys went to bed, Santa went to town on wrapping presents. Felt like it took forever. Totally worth it once it was all complete and the presents were all gathered under the tree.

This is my lovely new 12 foot Christmas tree. I LOVE IT!!! So much, that I don't want to take it down.

There are a couple lucky boys in our house this Christmas.

It was midnight before we made it to bed. Next year Santa needs to wrap the presents before Christmas eve. It may have helped if Andy, Santa's Elf would have helped instead of sitting on the couch watching movies :)

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