This is just a little recap of what went on while I was on vacation:
The Thursday Evening before I went on vacation we went to a local restaurant called Morelands for my mom’s 50th birthday. We had a great time! Here is a group picture of some of us that were there.
Friday after work, Andy, me, Kevin, Kelly and Holly went to Columbia. We started off at Bass Pro because they were having a huge sale! There was a crazy amount of people there and poor Andy didn’t walk away with much because of his up coming birthday he didn’t want to buy something that I had already got him. After shopping there we headed to HuHots, of course! It was wonderful as usual!
Saturday I had to work at the bank that morning and then afterwards I headed home to get ready for Holly’s bachelorette party. The party was a lot of fun. We rented a large van (that we decorated pretty inappropriately) and headed to Columbia. We ate at the Olive Garden and then went to Déjà Vu for a comedy show and dancing. The comedian was hilarious! The dancing portion of the night went by way too fast, before we knew it, it was 1 o’clock and they were shutting the place down. Time always flies fast when you are having fun.
Sunday we headed to the river for Andy’s 30th Birthday party. I made a lot of tombstone signs with funny sayings and pictures of Andy on them that were placed along the road for Andy to see as we headed to the river. We went on a float trip for awhile. Hunter stayed in the boat with Andy. We brought along a little inflatable pool for him to play in while he was on the boat. It worked out perfectly! Here is a picture of Hunter playing in another pool up at the lot. Notice his lovely HuHot’s tattoo we got for him when we were at HuHot’s Friday night!

Monday (the official start of my vacation) I spent the day cleaning out both of my deep freezes! I know, I know I my life is way too exciting. But this job was way over due and plus I was needing to make room from my Sam’s trip.
Tuesday I went to Columbia. I first went to the Mall and looked around a little. I ended up buying some shoes and flip flips for Holly’s wedding. After leaving there I went to HuHot’s for lunch. Listen, I can’t go to Columbia without going to HuHots, even if it means sitting in a booth all by myself…it is worth it! Afterwards I went to Sam’s. I made one mistake; I didn’t make a shopping list. I literally went up and down every isle, grabbing stuff as I went along. Needless to say, my cart was over flowing by the time I was done.
Wednesday I stayed at home and did some house cleaning.
Thursday I headed to the lake. I did a little shopping at Target and then I went to the Outlet Mall. I love this place, especially when it comes to buying stuff for Hunter. They have a Carter’s, Gymboree, Osh Kosh, and Children’s Place. So in the end, Hunter loaded up with a lot of clothes for this winter. I then made my way to Wal-Mart to buy all the groceries I wasn’t able to get at Sam’s. Our house is fully stocked with food…for now!
Friday I attempted to do more house cleaning. That evening Andy went to a Bachelor party for Abe, so Hunter and I hung around the house. Kelly, Aubrey and Holly later came up to hang out for awhile.
Saturday we had Holly’s Bridal shower. She got a lot of wonderful gifts. Afterwards we went to Donnie and Shanda’s to hang out with some of the family that was in town for the shower.
On Sunday, Andy, Hunter and I went to the Lake of the Ozarks to a family cabin. We had such a great time. It rained on us for awhile, but then it cleared up for everyone to take rides on the boats and jet skies, plus go off the rope swing. Andy finally convinced me to go off the rope swing. It ended up being a lot higher than I expected, but it was still a lot of fun.
That was the conclusion of my vacation. Reality has kicked back in and now I am back at work. Booo!