Tuesday, April 14, 2009


On Easter morning we got up early before church to find that the Easter Bunny had come. We sat Hunter next to his basket to get some pictures and some video footage and during the mist the of the action we could tell he was in the process of filling his pants. That was all fine and well until we turned him around to find that he had pooped all the way up his back and all over his sleeper. I guess this was my Easter present! Thanks Alot!
After church we went down to Donnie and Shanda's where Hunter received another Easter basket full of candy and toys plus a nursery rhyme book. We then headed to Andy's grandparents for an excellent breakfast feast where we ate entirely too much! We later worked quite a bit of it off while playing a few rounds of Nerts which got pretty wild and violent a few times...but Fun!

Next we went to my grandparents house for more food we didn't need, but still chose to eat. It was great to see everyone again and catch up on things. Hunter finally had hit a brick wall and was sooo tired. I will admit I was exhausted as well. So we went home a took a much needed nap!

Since Lent was over I didn't hesitate one bit drinking a Mountain Dew and eating Bakery Cake. I could tell my belly was not use to the extreme sugar, but it didn't slow me down.

I hope you all had a great Easter weekend!

1 comment:

Dana said...

Hunter looks like he LOVED his Easter basket ; )