Monday, September 22, 2008

36 Week Appointment!

Last Wednesday I had another doctor’s appointment. I really enjoyed this appointment, because usually the nurse takes care of ¾ the appointment and then the doctor comes in to finish it off. But on this occasion, the nurse had been on hold on the phone for a long time, so Dr. Lynn came in to perform the whole appointment. His heart rate was good at 134bpm. She measured my stomach and determined me to be 3cm small for my stage of the pregnancy. Which could mean he is not growing, or that the amniotic fluid is low, or just that he has dropped really low. In result, she ordered me another ultrasound. I am anxious to find out how big he is at this point and to get another sneak peak of him. She asked me if I wanted to be checked again and I said yes since I had a busy weekend, I was curious to see if all the dancing I did at Tommy and Alissa’s wedding paid off. And…It did! I am now dilated between 2.5 and 3cm and 70% effaced! Sweet!


Sarah said...

You know, when we were at that wedding dance I seriously considered going over next to you in case I needed to catch the baby when you shook it out!! For eight months pregnancy, you were a dancing fool!! ;)

These are the days said...

Okay, are you nervous?? Because, I have to admit, I'm a little nervous/excited for you!! How exciting!!

Sarah said...

I do not know why I wrote "for eight months pregnancy". Replace that with "pregnant", okay? Sorry :)

Anonymous said...

With Ashton and Dani I was only a 1 when I went into labor. With Morgan I was a 3 for about 3 weeks before I had her and I had even lost my mucus plug about 1 1/2 weeks before I had her! Don't be nervous, everything will be fine and once you have had Hunter (a couple days later)... it will seem to have gone by quick!
I love hearing stories about babies being born... and I love to talk about my expierences so if you have any questions I would love to talk to you! Each pregnancy was different for me.