Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I'm Going to be a God Parent!

As the current plans go, Troy John is scheduled to be delivered 4/15/2008 via c-section. John David and Beth are really excited that their son will finally be born! C-Sections are so routine now, that they have no fears and glad that it has come to this as opposed to a long delivery. The hard part they are trying to deal with is calming down my aunt Sharon and reassuring her that everything will be fine! Got to love a worry-wart!

They came over to the house last night for a couple of hours to catch up on things. At which they asked me to be Troy's Godmother! That completely took me by surprise! But at which I graciously accepted! I am super excited and can't wait to see if he has as much hair as John David did when he was born!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Exciting! Who is the god-father?!