I'm 14 weeks pregnant as of Sunday! Hello Second Trimester!
Size of Baby: A lemon...about 3 1/2 inches long and 1 1/2 ounces!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I am up 1 pound. But from the looks of me, you would think more. They aren't kidding that you show faster with the second kid.
Maternity Clothes: None yet. Everything seems to fit fine right now. Dress pants are getting a little snug, so I might need to make the switch in the near future.
Gender: We don't know. And we aren't going to know until D-Day! I know...SHOCKER! This seems to shock a lot of people when I tell them this. Especially when they know what a Planner I am. This is way outside my comfort zone, but I think it will be really exciting come delivery!
Movement: I haven't felt anything yet. But according to what I kept track of with Hunter. I started feeling him around 15 1/2 weeks. So anytime now!
Sleep: No problems in the sleep department other than I would prefer to sleep 24hours a day. I wasn't nearly this fatigued when pregnant with Hunter, but then again I wasn't chasing a two year old around. It is getting better, I am not falling asleep on the couch nearly as much in the evenings.
What I miss: Nothing really. I joke about needing a stiff drink every once in awhile, but in reality I can live without it. Oh wait....I just thought of something!!! I miss the ability to take medicine. When pregnant you are so restricted on what you can take. My allergies have been kicking my butt these last couple of weeks, and I would love to just take one of everything in the allergy isle at Walgreen's, but I can't!
Cravings: Meat and Spaghetti-O's (Not together). I used to just eat pop-tarts and cereals in the morning. But now I need MEAT! So I have been sneaking trips to McDonald's in the mornings to get me a sausage biscuit :)
Dislikes: Smell of hard boiled eggs and cigarette smoke.
Symptoms: I was nauseous for awhile, but not too terrible. I never got physically sick. This is where the meat helped. I would feel better if I ate meat instead of sweets.
Best Moment This Week: Entering the second trimester!!!
I can't decide if this pregnancy is going fast or slow. In my mind I think, dang I am only 14 weeks. But then again next month is half way and we get to have our ultrasound. So maybe it is going a little quicker.