Friday: Kelly and Aubrey came over for awhile while Andy was out hunting.
Saturday: Mom watched Hunter while I worked at the bank until noon. Then after picking him back up we ran home to change clothes for a wedding. The wedding we went to was of one of my friends from Jeff City was getting married in St. Martin’s. Nicole made such a beautiful bride. Hunter was wound-tight during the ceremony. He wanted down to crawl around, not to mention he was babbling at the top of his lungs. I finally had to take him to the entry way of the church so he could crawl around that was until he started hollering again so we ended up going outside until the wedding was over. It was so great to see all of my friends from Jeff City that I haven’t seen in years! I attempted to stay around at the reception until the wedding couple arrived after their pictures, but Hunter was long over due for a nap and he was letting everyone know it.
On our way home we stopped off at Wal-Mart to order Hunter’s birthday cake. I know…I can’t believe my baby is going to be a year old on Friday! *Tear* We got back home and headed back to my Mom’s to see my brother who was in town. He wanted to give Hunter his birthday presents since he was going to be out of town next weekend. He gave him an Elmo puppet book and a Snoopy motorcycle statue. Ryan is committed to making Hunter a biker!
Afterwards, I dropped Hunter off with Shanda so that I could go to a birthday party in Argyle and play volleyball. It was such a fun time. After a few hours my body was still willing to play but my arm were saying no. It came to the point where every time the ball would hit me it was nothing but a stinging pain. It sounded like everyone else was feeling the same way.
Andy had a busy day as well. He went hunting that morning, and then he headed to Cuba to go fishing with some of his family. On his way back he got pulled over in St. James while he was talking to me of the phone..oppps! But he didn’t get a ticket. He got back to Vienna just in time to meet some guys and go to a bachelor party in Dixon. So needless to say, Andy and I didn’t see much of each other this weekend. There was too much going on and we were being pulled in two different directions and we still didn’t make it to everything that was going on this weekend.
Sunday, all I wanted to do was rest! I tried to do some cleaning to prepare for Hunter’s birthday party, but he was making that impossible. Hunter was in such a crabby mood, but I think I know why now. He got another tooth in and the other one is about to come through. With as much time as Hunter and I had spent together this weekend, we were both tired of each other and was excited when Andy finally came home to give us both a break!