Friday Evening: Andy, Hunter and I headed to Columbia. We first went to Bass Pro where Andy went on a shopping spree. He should now be fully stocked for hunting season. I hope anyway! Afterwards we went over to HuHots for some supper. It was excellent as always.
Saturday: I had to work again. Which ended up being exciting when a customer’s truck caught on fire in our parking lot and we had to call 911 to have it put out. After work I went to a local craft sale in town. Believe it or not, but I didn’t buy anything. I don’t know if it was because I was so depressed on how much money Andy spent the night before, but I walked away empty handed. I then went over to Kevin and Kelly’s new house because they were moving in and Andy and Hunter were over there helping. By the time I got there they already had everything moved. I ended up taking Hunter home because he was due for a nap.
That evening we had a fish fry with some friends and family. It was a small get together where Andy could catch up with some old friends he worked with at ABB. The food was good as always and Hunter enjoyed playing in all the dirt.
On Sunday Hunter and I went with the Hollis family on a hayride to Brinktown for their fall supper. Hunter was very calm on the hayride there and was close enough to fall asleep, but wouldn’t give in. By the time we got there he was ready to get down and explore. We waited in the food line for awhile, but by the time we got some food Hunter was hungry and letting everyone know it. I couldn’t feed him fast enough. After eating we wondered around and visited with people then hoped back on the hayride for our trip home. Hunter slept the whole way! We got back to my uncle’s lake house where we drank warm cider and took family pictures.
Hunter on a saddle
My Brother Ryan and Hunter
Hunter sitting on some hay bales

Me, Ryan, Hunter and my mom
Monday was Columbus day so I had the day off. I went on a shopping trip at the lake to get me some new winter clothes. Needless to say, 90% of the clothes I bought were for Hunter. I couldn’t resist! I even bought him his Halloween costume, and it wasn’t any of the previous ones I was considering. I ended up getting him a St. Bernard costume. I couldn’t resist. Andy wants a St. Bernard so bad, so this is the closest he is going to get to it. We tried it on him last night, and it is so cute!